Tuesday, 22 March 2011

Interesting Blogs

I realised it's going to take me a while to fill this blog with stories. It's taking time just to finish another one. In the interim, I thought it might be interesting to share some other interesting blogs related to story telling.

I've added a section with links to blogs I find interesting. The first one - Storied Theology is based on a similar concept as mine - that the Gospel is fundamentally a series of stories that speak to our lives - what we see, feel and experience.

I believe the Gospel is able to explain everything in our lives - and ultimately that the meaning of life is found in what Christ has done for us - He showed his love for us by dying for our sins on the cross.

My next story is going to be a science fiction - hope it can be completed in the next 1 - 2 weeks. Look out for it!